MLB Rumors: Rejection To Players Association Proposal Cited Total Games, Regular Season End Date & Postseason Concerns Among 6 Topics
While the NBA and NHL are on the verge of returning after a three-month break due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)...
MLB Rumors: Offer To Players Association Includes 75% Prorated Salaries For 76-Game Season
With the likes of the NBA and NHL mapping out their respective returns, Major League Baseball and the Players...
Dan Halem Tells MLB Players Association That Commissioner Rob Manfred Is ‘Committed To’ 2020 Regular Season
When Major League Baseball cancelled the remainder of Spring Training, there was hope -- albeit slim -- the...
MLB Rumors: ‘High Level Of Confidence’ Team Owners & Players Association Will Agree On Economic Plan For 2020 Regular Season
The NBA became the latest professional sports league to announce a return-to-play sports plan this week, leaving...
Dodgers Rumors: $101 Million Difference In Salaries Between MLB’s Plan & Players Association Proposal
Despite coming to terms in March on service time and salaries for the 2020 regular season, Major League Baseball...
MLB Players Association Executive Director Tony Clark Reiterates Resounding Refusal To Accept Further Salary Reductions
The Major League Baseball Players Association executive board held a conference with more than 100 players...
MLB Rumors: League ‘Signed Off’ On Most Of Feedback From Players Association For Health & Safety Protocols
In addition to Major League Baseball and Players Association needing to arrive at an agreement on an economic...
MLB’s Dan Halem, Players Association Executive Director Tony Clark Disagree On Interpretation Of Salary Discussion In Meeting
Although a March 26 agreement between Major League Baseball and the Players Association addressed service...
MLB Rumors: League Rejected 114-Game Proposal & Won’t Submit Counteroffer To Players Association; Internally Discussing Imposing Short 2020 Season
Although Major League Baseball and the Players Association have both suggested there is reason for optimism a...
MLB Rumors: Meeting Players Association Described As ‘Contentious’
While the start of the 2020 Major League Baseball season could be just around the corner, there still are a ton of...
Report: MLB ‘Does Not Intend’ To Propose 50-Game Regular Season To Players Association
One week after Major League Baseball team owners submitted an economic plan, the Players Association...
MLB Rumors: Team Owners Will Offer Players Association Full Prorated Salaries But For 50-60 Game Season
In the wake of Major League Baseball presenting a proposal that called for a sliding scale of salary cuts for the...