Dodgers Photos: Adrian Gonzalez Hosts Bat 4 HOPE Celebrity Softball Game
Jon SooHoo-Los Angeles Dodgers

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Bat 4 Hope Celebrity Softball Game
Jon SooHoo-Los Angeles Dodgers
Bat 4 Hope Celebrity Softball Game
Jon SooHoo-Los Angeles Dodgers
Bat 4 Hope Celebrity Softball Game
Jon SooHoo-Los Angeles Dodgers
Bat 4 Hope Celebrity Softball Game
Jon SooHoo-Los Angeles Dodgers
Bat 4 Hope Celebrity Softball Game
Jon SooHoo-Los Angeles Dodgers

Dodgers team photographer Jon SooHoo’s complete gallery of photos from the event can be viewed here. Gonzalez told Cary Osborne of Dodger Insider he hopes to host additional softball games in the years to come.