Book Review: ‘True Blue: The Dramatic History of the Dodgers’ by Steve Delsohn

Based on scores of fresh and exuberant interviews, True Blue brings you into the dugout and the locker room, capturing the nearly half-century of clutch performances, World Series triumphs, blown pennant races, clubhouse brawls, contract disputes, stunning trades, and turbulent managerial changes -- all with a startling insider's perspective.

Steve Delsohn’s “True Blue: The Dramatic History of the Los Angeles Dodgers” is an engaging and meticulously researched account of one of baseball’s most storied franchises. Delsohn, a seasoned journalist, author, and marketing strategist brings his expertise to the fore, delivering a narrative that is as dramatic as it is informative.

The book takes us on a poignant journey, tracing the Dodgers’ path from their humble beginnings in Brooklyn to their iconic status in Los Angeles. Delsohn’s vivid descriptions of the key moments and figures that shaped the Dodgers’ legacy evoke a sense of nostalgia and admiration. From the groundbreaking signing of Jackie Robinson, a moment that challenged racial barriers and changed the face of American sports, to the team’s various triumphs and tribulations, Delsohn’s narrative leaves a lasting emotional imprint.

One of the most captivating aspects of “True Blue” is Delsohn’s ability to bring the reader closer to the Dodgers’ legendary figures. Through personal anecdotes and behind-the-scenes stories, we get intimate glimpses of figures such as Sandy Koufax, Tommy Lasorda, and Vin Scully. Delsohn’s storytelling prowess is evident as he humanizes these personalities, making them relatable and endearing to the reader.

The book also does an excellent job of exploring the Dodgers’ cultural and social impact. Delsohn highlights how the team’s move to Los Angeles in 1958 changed the landscape of Major League Baseball and influenced the city’s identity and culture. The Dodgers’ success helped forge a sense of community and pride among Angelenos, a sentiment that persists today.

Delsohn’s narrative is well-paced, balancing detailed descriptions of crucial games and seasons with broader reflections on the team’s influence. His writing style is accessible and engaging, making “True Blue” a compelling read for die-hard Dodgers fans and casual baseball enthusiasts. The book is rich with historical detail, yet it always feels energized by minutiae, a testament to Delsohn’s writing skill.

However, one minor drawback of the book is that it occasionally glosses over some of the more controversial aspects of the Dodgers’ history. While Delsohn does touch on issues such as the team’s contentious move from Brooklyn and the challenges faced by players of color, these topics could have been explored in greater depth. This would have provided a more rounded perspective on the complexities of the team’s evolution.

In conclusion, “True Blue: The Dramatic History of the Los Angeles Dodgers” is not just a book but a journey that deepens our understanding and appreciation of the Dodgers’ rich history. Steve Delsohn’s comprehensive and heartfelt tribute to the team leaves an indelible mark on our understanding of baseball and American culture. Whether you’re a lifelong fan or new to the sport, this book will inspire a deeper appreciation for the Dodgers’ enduring legacy.

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